Monday, September 30, 2019

Presentation Skills Essay

Introduction Presentations are a way of communicating ideas and information to a group. A good presentation has: †¢ Content – It contains information that people need. Unlike reports, it must account for how much information the audience can absorb in one sitting. †¢ Structure – It has a logical beginning, middle, and end. It must be sequenced and paced so that the audience can understand it. Where as reports have appendices and footnotes, the presenter must be careful not to loose the audience when wandering from the main point of the presentation. †¢ Packaging – It must be well prepared. A report can be reread and portions skipped over, but the audience is at the mercy of a presenter. †¢ Human Element – A good presentation will be remembered much more than a good report because it has a person attached to it. But you still need to analyze if the audience’s needs would not be better met if a report was sent instead. The Voice The voice is probably the most valuable tool of the presenter. It carries most of the content that the audience takes away. One of the oddities of speech is that we can easily tell others what is wrong with their voice, e.g. too fast, too high, too soft, etc., but we have trouble listening to and changing our own voices. There are four main terms used for defining vocal qualities: †¢ Volume: How loud the sound is. The goal is to be heard without shouting. Good speakers lower their voice to draw the audience in, and raise it to make a point. †¢ Tone: The characteristics of a sound. An airplane has a different sound than leaves being rustled by the wind. A voice that carries fear can frighten the audience, while a voice that carries laughter can get the audience to smile. †¢ Pitch: How high or low a note is. Pee Wee Herman has a high voice, Barbara Walters has a moderate voice, while James Earl Jones has a low voice. †¢ Color: Both projection and tone variance can be practiced by taking the  line â€Å"This new policy is going to be exciting† and saying it first with surprise, then with irony, then with grief, and finally with anger. The key is to over-act. Remember Shakespeare’s words â€Å"All the world’s a stage† — presentations are the opening night on Broadway! There are two good methods for improving your voice: †¢ †¢Listen to it! Practice listening to your voice while at home, driving, walking, etc. Then when you are at work or with company, monitor your voice to see if you are using it how you want to. To really listen to your voice, cup your right hand around your right ear and gently pull the -1-   ear forward. Next, cup your left hand around your mouth and direct the sound straight into your ear. This helps you to really hear your voice as others hear it†¦and it might be completely different from the voice you thought it was! Now practice moderating your voice. The Body Your body communicates different impressions to the audience. People not only listen to you, they also watch you. Slouching tells them you are indifferent or you do not care†¦even though you might care a great deal! On the other hand, displaying good posture tells your audience that you know what you are doing and you care deeply about it. Also, a good posture helps you to speak more clearly and effective. Throughout you presentation, display: †¢ Eye contact: This helps to regulate the flow of communication. It signals interest in others and increases the speaker’s credibility. Speakers who make eye contact open the flow of communication and convey interest,  concern, warmth, and credibility. †¢ Facial Expressions: Smiling is a powerful cue that transmits happiness, friendliness, warmth, and liking. So, if you smile frequently you will be perceived as more likable, friendly, warm, and approachable. Smiling is often contagious and others will react favorably. They will be more comfortable around you and will want to listen to you more. †¢ Gestures: If you fail to gesture while speaking, you may be perceived as boring and stiff. A lively speaking style captures attention, makes the material more interesting, and facilitates understanding. †¢ Posture and body orientation: You communicate numerous messages by the way you talk and move. Standing erect and leaning forward communicates that you are approachable, receptive, and friendly. Interpersonal closeness results when you and your audience face each other. Speaking with your back turned or looking at the floor or ceiling should be avoided as it communicates disinterest. †¢ Proximity: Cultural norms dictate a comfortable distance for interaction with others. You should look for signals of discomfort caused by invading other’s space. Some of these are: rocking, leg swinging, tapping, and gaze aversion. Typically, in large rooms, space invasion is not a problem. In most instances there is too much distance. To counteract this, move around the room to increase interaction with your audience. Increasing the proximity enables you to make better eye contact and increases the opportunities for others to speak. †¢ Vary your voice. One of the major criticisms of speakers is that they speak in a monotone voice. Listeners perceive this type of speaker as boring and dull. People report that they learn less and lose interest more quickly when listening to those who have not learned to modulate their voices. -2- Active Listening Good speakers not only inform their audience, they also listen to them. By listening, you know if they are understanding the information and if the information is important to them. Active listening is NOT the same as hearing! Hearing is the first part and consists of the perception of sound. Listening, the second part, involves an attachment of meaning to the aural symbols that are perceived. Passive listening occurs when the receiver has little motivation to listen carefully. Active listening with a purpose is used to gain information, to determine how another person feels, and to understand others. Some good traits of effective listeners are: Spend more time listening than talking (but of course, as a presenter, you will be doing most of the talking). †¢ Do not finish the sentence of others. †¢ Aware of biases. We all have them. We need to control them. †¢ Never daydream or become preoccupied with their own thoughts when others talk. †¢ Let the other speaker talk. Do not dominate the conversation. †¢ Plan responses after others have finished speaking†¦NOT while they are speaking. Their full concentration is on what others are saying, not on what they are going to respond with. †¢ Provide feedback but do not interrupt incessantly. †¢ Analyze by looking at all the relevant factors and asking open-ended questions. Walk the person through analysis (summarize). †¢ Keep the conversation on what the speaker says†¦NOT on what interest them. Listening can be one of our most powerful communication tools! Be sure to use it! Part of the listening process is getting feedback by changing and altering the message so the intention of the original communicator is understood by the second communicator. This is done by paraphrasing the words of the sender and restating the sender’s feelings or ideas in your own words, rather than repeating their words. Your words should be saying, â€Å"This is what I understand your feelings to be, am I correct?† It not only includes verbal responses, but also nonverbal ones. Nodding your head or squeezing their hand to show agreement, dipping your eyebrows to show you don’t quite understand the meaning of their last phrase, or sucking air in deeply and blowing out hard shows that you are also exasperated with the  situation. Carl Roger listed five main categories of feedback. They are listed in the order in which they occur most frequently in daily conversations (notice that we make judgments more often than we try to understand): -3- 1. Evaluative: Makes a judgment about the worth, goodness, or appropriateness of the other person’s statement. 2. Interpretive: Paraphrasing – attempt to explain what the other persons statement mean. 3. Supportive: Attempt to assist or bolster the other communicator 4. Probing: Attempt to gain additional information, continue the discussion, or clarify a point. Understanding: Attempt to discover completely what the other communicator means by her statements. Nerves The main enemy of a presenter is tension, which ruins the voice, posture, and spontaneity. The voice becomes higher as the throat tenses. Shoulders tighten up and limits flexibility while the legs start to shake and causes unsteadiness. The presentation becomes â€Å"canned† as the speaker locks in on the notes and starts to read directly from them. First, do not fight nerves, welcome them! Then you can get on with the presentation instead of focusing in on being nervous. Actors recognize the value of nerves†¦they add to the value of the performance. This is because adrenaline starts to kick in. It’s a left over from our ancestors’ â€Å"fight or flight† syndrome. If you welcome nerves, then the presentation becomes a challenge and you become better. If you let your nerves take over, then you go into the flight mode by withdrawing from the audience. Again, welcome your nerves, recognize them, let them help you gain that needed edge! Do not go into the flight mode! When you feel tension or anxiety, remember that everyone gets them, but the winners use them to their advantage, while the losers get overwhelmed by them. Tension can be reduced by performing some relaxation exercises. Listed below  are a couple to get you started: †¢ Before the presentation: Lie on the floor. Your back should be flat on the floor. Pull your feet towards you so that your knees are up in the air. Relax. Close your eyes. Fell your back spreading out and supporting your weight. Feel your neck lengthening. Work your way through your body, relaxing one section at a time – your toes, feet, legs, torso, etc. When finished, stand up slowly and try to maintain the relaxed feeling in a standing position. †¢ If you cannot lie down: Stand with you feet about 6 inches apart, arms hanging by your sides, and fingers unclenched. Gently shake each part of your body, starting with your hands, then arms, shoulders, torso, and legs. Concentrate on shaking out the tension. Then slowly rotate your shoulders forwards and the backwards. Move on to your head. Rotate it slowly clockwise, and then counter-clockwise. †¢ Mental Visualization: Before the presentation, visualize the room, audience,and you giving the presentation. Mentally go over what you are going to do from the moment you start to the end of the presentation. -4- †¢ During the presentation: Take a moment to yourself by getting a drink of water, take a deep breath, concentrate on relaxing the most tense part of your body, and then return to the presentation saying to your self, â€Å"I can do it!† †¢ You do NOT need to get rid of anxiety and tension! Channel the energy into concentration and expressiveness. †¢ Know that anxiety and tension is not as noticeable to the audience as it is to you. †¢ Know that even the best presenters make mistakes. The key is to continue on after the mistake. If you pick up and continue, so will the audience. Winners continue! Losers stop. Never drink alcohol to reduce tension! It affects not only your coordination but also your awareness of coordination. You might not realize it, but your audience will! Questions  Although some people get a perverse pleasure from putting others on the spot, and some try to look good in front of the boss, most people ask questions from a genuine interest. Questions do not mean you did not explain the topic good enough, but that their interest is deeper than the average audience. Always allow time at the end of the presentation for questions. After inviting questions, do not rush ahead if no one asks a question. Pause for about 6 seconds to allow the audience to gather their thoughts. When a question is asked, repeat the question to ensure that everyone heard it (and that you heard it correctly). When answering, direct your remarks to the entire audience. That way, you keep everyone focused, not just the questioner. To reinforce your presentation, try to relate the question back to the main points. Make sure you listen to the question being asked. If you do not understand it, ask them to clarify. Pause to think about the question as the answer you give may be correct, but ignore the main issue. If you do not know the answer, be honest, do not waffle. Tell them you will get back to them†¦and make sure you do! Answers that last 10 to 40 seconds work best. If they are too short, they seem abrupt; while longer answers appear too elaborate. Also, be sure to keep on track. Do not let off-the-wall questions sidetrack you into areas that are not relevant to the presentation. If someone takes issue with something you said, try to find a way to agree with part of their argument. For example, â€Å"Yes, I understand your position†¦Ã¢â‚¬  or â€Å"I’m glad you raised that point, but†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The idea is to praise their point and agree with them. Audiences sometimes tend to think of â€Å"us verses you.† You do not want to risk alienating them. Preparing the Presentation -5- Great presentations require some preplanning. First, read Meetings for an outline of preparing and conducting a meeting, such as acquiring a room, informing participants, etc. A presentation follows the same basic guidelines as preparing for a meeting. The second step is to prepare the presentation: †¢ A good presentation starts out with introductions and an icebreaker such as a story, interesting statement or fact, joke, quotation, or an activity to get the group warmed up. The introduction also needs an objective, that is, the purpose or goal of the presentation. This not only tells you what you will talk about, but it also informs the audience of the purpose of the presentation. †¢ Next, comes the body of the presentation. Do NOT write it out word for word. All you want is an outline. By jotting down the main points on a set of  index cards, you not only have your outline, but also a memory jogger for the actual presentation. To prepare the presentation, ask yourself the following: What is the purpose of the presentation? Who will be attending? What does the audience already know about the subject? What is the audience’s attitude towards me (e.g. hostile, friendly)? †¢ A 45 minutes talk should have no more than about seven main points. This may not seem like very many, but if you are to leave the audience with a clear picture of what you have said, you cannot expect them to remember much more than that. †¢ There are several options for structuring the presentation: Timeline – Arranged in sequential order. Climax – The main points are delivered in order of increasing importance. Problem/Solution – A problem is presented, a solution is suggested, and benefits are then given. Classification – The important items are the major points. Simple to complex – Ideas are listed from the simplest to the most complex. done in reverse order. †¢ Can also be You want to include some visual information that will help the audience understand your presentation. Develop charts, graphs, slides, handouts, etc. -6- †¢ After the body, comes the closing. This is where you ask for questions, provide a wrap-up (summary), and thank the participants for attending. Notice that you told them what they are about to hear (the objective), told them (the body), and told them what they heard (the wrap up).  And finally, the important part – practice, practice, practice. The main purpose of creating an outline is to develop a coherent plan of what you want to talk about. You should know your presentation so well, that during the actual presentation, you should only have to briefly glance at your notes to ensure you are staying on track. This will also help you with your nerves by giving you the confidence that you can do it. Your practice session should include a â€Å"live† session by practicing in front of coworkers, family, or friends. They can be valuable at providing feedback and it gives you a chance to practice controlling your nerves. Another great feedback technique is to make a video or audio tape of your presentation and review it critically with a colleague. Habits We all have a few habits, and some are more annoying than others. For example, if we say â€Å"uh,† â€Å"you know,† or put our hands in our pockets and jingle our keys too often during a presentation, it distracts from the message we are trying to get across. The best way to break one of these distracting habits is with immediate feedback. This can be done with a small group of coworkers, family, or friends. Take turns giving small off-the-cuff talks about your favorite hobby, work project, first work assignment, etc. It talk should last about five minutes. During a speaker’s first talk, the audience should listen and watch for annoying habits. After the presentation, the audience should agree on the worst two or three habits that take the most away from the presentation. After agreement, each audience member should write these habits on a 8 1/2†³ x 11†³ sheet of paper (such as the word â€Å"Uh†). Use a magic marker and write in BIG letters. The next time the person gives her or his talk, each audience member should wave the corresponding sign in For most people, this method will break a habit by practicing at least once a day for one to two weeks. Tips and Techniques For Great Presentations †¢ If you have handouts, do not read straight from them. The audience does they should read along with you or listen to you read. not know if †¢ Do not put both hands in your pockets for long periods of time. This tends to make you  look unprofessional. It is OK to put one hand in a pocket but ensure there is no loose change  or keys to jingle around. This will distract the listeners. -7- †¢ Do not wave a pointer around in the air like a wild knight branding a sword to slay a  dragon. Use the pointer for what it is intended and then put it down, otherwise the audience will become fixated upon your â€Å"sword†,  instead upon you. †¢ Do not lean on the podium for long periods. The audience will begin to are going to fall over. wonder when you †¢ Speak to the audience†¦NOT to the visual aids, such as flip charts or overheads. Also, do not stand between the visual aid and the audience. †¢ Speak clearly and loudly enough for all to hear. Do not speak in a inflection to emphasize your main points. monotone voice. Use †¢ The disadvantages of presentations is that people cannot see the punctuation and this  can lead to misunderstandings. An effective way of overcoming this problem is to pause at the time when there would normally be punctuation marks. †¢ Use colored backgrounds on overhead transparencies and slides (such as yellow) as  the bright white light can be harsh on the eyes. This will quickly cause your audience to tire. If all of your transparencies or slides have clear backgrounds, then tape one blank yellow one on the overhead face. For slides, use a rubber band to hold a piece of colored cellophane over the projector lens. †¢ Learn the name of each participant as quickly as possible. Based upon the atmosphere  you want to create, call them by their first names or by using Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. †¢ Tell them what name and title you prefer to be called. †¢ Listen intently to comments and opinions. By using a lateral thinking technique (adding  to ideas rather than dismissing them), the audience will feel that their ideas, comments, and opinions are worthwhile. †¢ Circulate around the room as you speak. This movement creates a the audience. physical closeness to †¢ List and discuss your objectives at the beginning of the presentation. Let the audience know how your presentation fits in with their goals. Discuss some of the fears and  apprehensions that both you and the audience might have. Tell them what they should expect of you and how you will  contribute to their goals. †¢ Vary your techniques (lecture, discussion, debate, films, slides, reading, etc.) †¢ Get to the presentation before your audience arrives; be the last one to leave. †¢ Be prepared to use an alternate approach if the one you’ve chosen seems to bog down. You should be confident enough with your own material so  that the audience’s interests and -8- concerns, not the presentation outline, determines the format. Use your background, experience, and knowledge to interrelate your subject matter. †¢ When writing on flip charts use no more than 7 lines of text per page and no more  than 7 word per line (the 7/7 rule). Also, use bright and bold colors, and pictures as well as text. †¢ Consider the time of day and how long you have got for your talk. Time of day  can  affect the audience. After lunch is known as the graveyard section in training circles as audiences will feel more like a nap than listening to a  talk. †¢ Most people find that if they practice in their head, the actual talk will take about 25 per cent longer. Using a flip chart or other visual aids also adds to the time. Remember – it is better to finish slightly early than to overrun.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Opression of African Americans Essay

In the documentary Ethnic Notions directed by Marlon Riggs, illustrates the oppression African Americans have faced during the time of slavery up until the present day. The same forms of oppression blacks faced during slavery is the same type of oppression they faced today, decades after slavery was abolished. These forms of oppression still seen today are evidence that America has not made very little progress in eliminating the inequalities among the white and black Americans. The documentary uses different caricatures to portray African Americans in the wrong light. These characters were suppose to show the way black people looked, and behaved even though none of these characters actually depicted the way black people truly looked or acted. Even though the video focused manly on the way African Americans are perceived by society, it focused on an even bigger issue; the main point of the documentary was to provide evidence that African Americans were better off left in captivity during the times of slavery. Riggs begins the documentary by displaying the images of black caricatures that was introduced during the slavery time period, and explaining how those same caricatures have been seen around the world. Even today those same black caricatures can be seen in people homes, including in the homes of many African Americans. The people portrayed in these characters are all extremely dark with large lips, and very unappealing. Those cartoon caricatures do not in any shape or form bear a resemblance to what black people actually look like. All African Americans do not look exactly the same, but none of them are truly as dark as the caricatures and their lips are not as large and abnormally shaped as seen on the caricatures. Even though black people do not look like these cartoon characters, people still see those old images as a representation of all black people, as if they can not possibly see them looking any different, as if they were meant to look like anything else. The same concept of characterizing a single group of individuals can be observed in the video The Danger of a Single Story. In this video story teller Chimamanda Adichie discusses her experiences as a writer, who only wrote about British and white American people because that was all she knew. She was unaware of people that looked like existed her because she only ever read books about white people so that was all she knew. Then when she moved to America, she experienced the danger of a single story; before anyone got to know they already felt sorry for her and had expected her to act in a certain way. However they were surprised to learn that her life was nothing like the single story they heard about her and all other Africans. Unlike what they expected, Adichie did not live in poverty and she could read and write, and speak English. After arriving in America, Adichie began to really understand the meaning of the dangers of a single story. Instead of her getting angry, she was able to understand why they thought the way they did because just like them she too had developed a single story about a group of people. She understood that if people are only seeing the same images of a group of people over and over again, whether it’s through the media or my word of mouth that eventually that group of people will become what the media writes about them. After showing the images of black people, Riggs further explains the different roles of each of the caricatures. Some of these caricatures and images were during the time of slavery, while others were during the period when slavery had ended. The Mammy caricature was a mother who served the white people. She was portrayed as a fat, unattractive woman who loyally served her white master and his family. She did not complain and she appeared to always be happy, until she went home to her own family. In her own family she was viewed as the controller of males and one who angrily punished her children. The Mammy caricature was nothing like the real mammy, who was actually very pretty and attractive. She was only depicted as fat and ugly, so the she would not appear to be a threat to the white women; who at that time was the only females thought of as beautiful. Just like the Mammy caricature, the Uncle Tom caricature was also perceived as a person who enjoyed working for the white people. He was always seen smiling while playing with the white children, and so helpful to his master. The Mammy and Uncle Tom were never revealed as unhappy people, so people assumed that they were content with being slaves. The Mammy and Uncle Tom figures were not the only people that appeared to be enjoying slavery, but all other slaves seemed to be satisfied with it as well. The images that were being shown all showed the slaves singing and dancing, and smiling but none of those images showed the hardships that slaves faced. Only the positive images were shown to make the outside world believe slavery was okay, and that no harm could come from having slaves. One dance the slaves danced was called the Jim Crow, it was a dance symbolized the way African Americans felt about segregation. The dance was not meant to be any racist term, but yet when the white man came and imitated the dance was when Jim Crow term began a racist statement and when the Jim Crow character was created. A white man named Rice one day so a black man dancing, so he decided to mock this man’s dancing. So Rice put black paint on his face and white paint around his mouth, so he appeared to be a black man impersonating other black people. The use of black paint became known as black face. Black face became the most popular form of entertainment for people to watch. People thought it was funny to watch a white man pretend to be black. Black face became so popular that even black men started participating in black face entertainment. These black men would put black paint on their face even though their faces were already dark, and prance around the stage mimicking their own people. They used black face as a way to make a little extra money since they were not getting enough from the white people. It was not until after slavery ended that these cartoon caricatures started to represent bad images of black people. No longer did the images show slaves as happy people, but instead it depicted African Americans as angry, violent people. Those images were used to conclude that black people were actually better off as slaves, instead of free people. The Pickaninny caricature was a representation of the black children. These kids appeared to be savage like by showing them with no shoes on, and the children were eating by alligators. When people saw these images of the children thought the children were like animals that belonged in the jungle, instead of a part of society. Then there was the Brutal Black Buck caricature that made black people become indentified as brutes. These brutes were savage people who could use any sort of violence to get what they wanted all of people. When different movies were being created, it showed black man looking for a white woman, who was a virgin to raped and abuse. When people kept seeing images like that they started to believe that black people were angry savages; savages not meant to fit in with the rest of society. All of these different caricatures were a representation of all black people. Even though these caricatures were nothing like black people, the rest of society believed these caricatures were an accurate representation of black people. They expected all people of color to act the way those cartoon caricatures did. When people see the happy caricatures that existed during slavery, then to watch the brutal caricatures after slavery ended, they begin to wonder if the abolishment of slavery was really necessary. They start to assume African Americans were the happiest during slavery, so why not resort back to that old tradition.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Should we cry for Argentina Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Should we cry for Argentina - Essay Example In recent times, Argentinians have suffered from the decline in economic standings (Farzard, 2010). This paper will review the crisis the country faces, and what they are doing to ensure they get through the situation. Local companies present at the time can attest to the situation that existed. They could not send money abroad for many of their financial activities. This was because the central bank had to give approval on these transactions in order to maintain some of the country’s capital. The blame game continued between the government and financial agencies while the economy continued to plummet. As the Argentinian peso was losing its value, it became obvious that the situation was getting from poor to worse. Some of the stringent measures included seizing the citizens’ cash in order to regulate how they withdrew money from their bank accounts was introduced (Farzard, 2010). This led to countrywide protests against such moves by the government, and what it meant to their freedom. Business operations were brought to a standstill through all the commotion as banks were attacked. The raising of taxation through government policies made it harder for businesses to grow and expand. This implied that all those involved in the transportation of goods and services, whether local or foreign, were affected immensely (Farzard, 2010). Coming across funds to pay foreign suppliers became harder for the local traders, and their businesses. This led to the dipping in the local market for local goods. The collapse of the economy brought plenty of trouble for the Argentinian government. It became hard to fulfil the needs of the people as many more people seemed to suffer from poverty. Inflation levels grew to a high level and employment was for only a few people in Argentina. As all these problems continued to engulf Argentina, their hope to get themselves out of debt was dwindling. This is as

Friday, September 27, 2019

Outback Steak house Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Outback Steak house - Essay Example An effective employee selection method helps achieve a competitive advantage for organizations in terms of accepting only those applicants that are deemed fit, qualified and competent to perform identified responsibilities. As indicated, Outback Steakhouse further assess successful applicants though a series of tests that gauge their cognitive ability, personality and judgement (Author, date, p. 234). These tests are known as psychological testing instruments which are designed to effectively â€Å"predict job skills acquisition and job performance† (Schieltz, 2011, p. par. 5). According to Schieltz (2011), â€Å"the idea of competitive advantage essentially underlies the use of psychological tests to select employees. To achieve a competitive advantage in the marketplace, organizations and businesses need qualified employees with personalities, skills and talents that best fit the organization and its culture. To hire these types of individuals, a company must have a set o f procedures at its disposal that can accurately identify the characteristics of an individual who can ultimately contribute to the success of the organization† (Schieltz, 2011, p. par. 3). As rationalized, organizations who have successfully selected the right human resources who are perfectly fit for the responsibilities, perform better and deliver accurate results which increase the competitive advantage of the organization. The importance of fit to Outback Steakhouse is crucial since they structurally sift the potentially good applicants from a number of recruits and get the best among the screened applicants depending on the Dimensions of Performance, the responsibilities and the organization’s culture. Only those applicants who perfectly fit the qualifications with the standards are accepted to ensure that low employee turnover would be achieved. A perfect fit would ensure that human resources are utilized to the fullest

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The social responsibility of engineers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The social responsibility of engineers - Essay Example Can a business really have responsibilities? It is only people who can be said to be either responsible or irresponsible. If a corporation is viewed as an artificial person, then it follows that its responsibilities are also artificial. Therefore we conclude that businessmen are the ones who should be responsible. Therefore when saying that businesses should have a social responsibility, implies that the corporate executives running these businesses are the ones to take up responsibility. Even if a corporate executive is an employee of the business owners, he still has direct responsibilities of running the business (Friedman). A businessman is said to be socially responsible if he/she were to act in a way that does not necessarily interest his/her employers. For example, a corporate executive may refrain to increase the price of certain products out of concern that doing this might lead to inflation. Such action could be contrary to the best interests of the corporation. The corporate executive could hire less qualified personnel in order to contribute to poverty reduction. In each of the mentioned cases, the business man would be spending either the employer’s or the customers’ money for a general social interest. His actions would therefore be evidence of social responsibility. If a businessman were to spend the stockholders’ or the customers’ money in a different way from that of his customers, he would be in effect imposing taxes on them. This process may lead to political questions since it is the work of the government to impose taxes and plan expenditures (Friedman). Social responsibility has its consequences. Let us take inflation for example, what if a businessman was told that he has to contribute in fighting inflation, what actions would he take? Lowering the price of the products could lead to a great financial loss. Reducing the rate of production would lead to shortages and if were to reduce the employees’ wages, these would

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Arts Advocacy Statement and Pamphlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Arts Advocacy Statement and Pamphlet - Essay Example Artistic aptitude is an amazing ability and it is very significant for our children for their better mental approach. Art helps to enhance the childrens ability to have a better perception of the world and tends to get them to adopt a better way of communication and expression. Art helps children to make an open appearance and reveal their hidden talent and skills. Therefore, for a successful and flourishing life track, you must try to develop artistic skills in your child. Now a question arises as to what are the important factors that are necessary for the artistic development in your child. When your child starts performing certain activities, you need to develop art in his activities. Every child has a hidden artist in their inner self and parents or teachers can examine very well what kind of artistic intuition is growing within a child. Some children love to make drawings and some love to use brushes to handle colours. Some love music and few have the ability to be great composers. So every child has his/her own inclination towards various categories of art. The four disciplines of art have a diverse arrangement among artistic abilities such as drawing, print-making, painting, drama, music and dance. All these classifications are the basic skills that can be found in oneself to create a better perception of life. Home is the first basic learning institute and whatever skills a child uses to learn at home, no institute around the world could impart these skills to children. To develop art in your child and have your child able to have a better overview of any situation in life, you need to develop your child’s interest in all of the above given mediums of art. Education is an entirely different thing, but any skill or talent in a child can add more to his education with the help of artistic qualities. Art is the thing that never cares for substantial measures and children also

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Discussion Board 5-2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Board 5-2 - Essay Example Three known forms of managed care that patients or clients have exclusive discretion to choose are Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and Primary Care Physician. In all the three forms, clients chose from a list doctors desired to manage their health. The chosen doctors then stand the right to make any decision such as to refer a patient to another specialist. Since the given doctor is to deal with the patient directly, they need to understand personal constructs and understanding of the patient. This becomes easier when applying Psychoanalytic Family Therapy (Nichols, 2013). With Psychoanalytic Family Therapy, individual therapists are able to analyze self-psychology of patients to understand the cause and nature of an underlying problem. Despite complexity of the theory, charges for services offered by Psychoanalytic therapists vary with variation in the conduct of the individual therapist. This exonerates simple reasoning that complexi ty of Psychoanalytic Family Therapy makes it expensive than other

Monday, September 23, 2019

Scene comparison between the movie Il Gattopardo (The Leopard by Essay

Scene comparison between the movie Il Gattopardo (The Leopard by Visconti) and the novel - Essay Example The battle scenes, was developed from various Italy regions depending on the armies constitution that were involved in the battles. The resulting movie captivated all the senders. The film has recreated the atmosphere of19th century in a thorough manner; on their fittings and interiors, time of day, color, scorching heat, coolness search, and the dust that covers the noble when making their way to the Castle Donnafugata, the cloths used, the coaches interior, and the filthy cloak of clergyman, the furniture, and the single frame of the ball sequence accounts for a quarter of the film and which seems to be unending. This is the world that is portrayed by the author, in the disappearing verge, and in the look of the most proustian film that has ever been shot. For the miracle to achieve a collection of outstanding talents was collected veterans seasoned by multiple Viscotian battles. The Palermo aristocrats played in the sequence of dance but also lent the producer a lot of mise-en-sce ne. The film is the work where the author challenges the impossible, selecting to recreate realistically events which took a century earlier. The achievement of the author is magnificent that it appears the various echoes of 19th century outlook in the film have not been highlighted. The painting on the wall of the house participated in a dialogue with the prince of Salina and protagonists. During the dancing break, while contemplating a Jean Baptista famous painting. The prince of Salim is involved in death attempt for the first time and he imagines the next departure of young Tancredi. In the film, the director appeared to embrace contradictions. How did the Italian neorealism progenotir, which emphasizes the mise en scene naturalistic, eventually move towards making the operatic costume dramas and grand? According to Salvador Dali, he describes the producer and the communist that like luxury. The multiple questions are generated when watching the film. To fully understand the puz zle, the film story need not be told without mentioning its source (novel). The historical time is Risorgimento; collection of conflicts that resulted to the formation of a single political entire of Italy, and within the events of the 1860 that same the Garibaldi’s army helped by local militia that rebelled against the Bourbon

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Science and Policy studies (Antarctica) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Science and Policy studies (Antarctica) - Essay Example Since the find of large quantity of oil resources underneath the seabed, various countries lying in the geographical proximity of the Antarctic region have staked claim to certain regions of this land. If one were to go back in history, one would wind that international co-operation in field of Antarctic exploration dated way back to 1882 which incidentally was the first Polar Year. The second Polar year was held in 1932 with forty nations supporting the cause in the study of meteorology and radio science. However, these noble designs of international studies were marred even then by politics, with Britain staking a claim to a portion of the land in 1908. By 1930 France, Norway and Chile had made their claims to certain regions in the Antarctic. Britain had in the meantime setup up a permanent base by sending an expedition code named Operation Tabarin. The era of Cold War also saw several expeditions being taken up by America and Russia which apart from being research oriented was al so a method in power posturing. The present scenario is quite complex with a number of sovereign countries staking claim to the region. US as a superpower has not claimed any part of Antarctica nor has it recognized the claims made by any of the other countries. The Scientific Committee on Antarctic research was established for the purpose of enhancing cooperation in the field of research and knowledge sharing. The twelve countries include the US, UK and USSR who contributed a significant amount to its early budget. The Antarctic Treaty was signed on 23rd June 1961 by member countries who pledged to engage in more constructive and peaceful scientific research while at the same time putting individual claims on the backburner.( Dodds Klaus, 2010, Governing Antarctica) This lay to rest some of the apprehensions of Britain, Chile and Argentina. This treaty which was signed by twelve members initially has now forty seven members to its credit. (Crawford Elisabeth et al, 1992)This treaty brought about in the form of a legal framework described measures to keep the Antarctic region under a system of good governance. Apart from the find of energy resources, some of the other issues which affected the politics of the region were illegal fishing and unregulated tourism. The Antarctic Treaty system is also taking measures to control the prominence of illegal fishing menace since these areas fall outside the ambit of any one particular country law. Source:, 1990, crew of the Kyo-maru pulls a Minke whale toward its port side Two notable measures adopted were the Agreed Measure for the Conservation of Antarctic Fauna and Flora in 1964 and the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) established in 1982. The CCAMLR has sought to curb the illegal fishing of species like Patagonian tooth fish and ice fish. The other cause of concern is that unregulated tourism to this region has disturbed the eco balance of this region. In 2007-2008 , it was estimated that 50,000 people visited this areas like the Punta Arenas and Stanley near the Faulkland islands. (Elzinga Aant, 1993) Illegal whaling off the Antarctic coast although monitored by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) has not been able to contain this

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Race and Ethnicity Essay Example for Free

Race and Ethnicity Essay This course focuses on the issues, challenges, and opportunities presented by U. S. population diversity. Workplace issues related to employee diversity in terms of gender, race or ethnicity, socioeconomic class, and cultural background are emphasized. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: †¢ University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. †¢ Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Harvey, C. P. , Allard, M. J. (2009). Understanding and managing diversity (4th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Schaefer, R. T. (2011). Racial and ethnic groups (12th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. All electronic materials are available on the student website. |Week One: Workplace Diversity | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives |Recognize the dimensions of diversity. |6/10/13 | | | |Differentiate the concept of inclusion from the concept of diversity. | | | | |Describe diversity and inclusion in the workplace. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 1 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 17 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Read Introduction to Section I and Section I of Understanding and Managing Diversity. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. |6/10/13 |2 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. |6/10/13 |2 | |Learning Team |Create the Learning Team Charter. | | | |Instructions | | | | |Learning Team Charter | | | | |Learning Team |Review the Week One objectives and discuss insights and questions you may have. | | | |Instructions | | | | |Weekly Team Review | | | | |Individual |Apply critical-thinking skills to answer the following questions based on this week’s |6/10/13 |5 | |Thinking About Diversity|readings. The response to each question must contain 150 to 300 words. | | | |and Inclusion | | | | | |What are the dimensions of cultural diversity? Identify and briefly explain the dimensions by | | | | |referencing both textbooks. | | | | |With what ethnic, cultural, or other groups do you identify? Describe what members of your | | | | |social circle have in common. | | | | |What is the difference between diversity and inclusion? | | | | |What is the importance of workplace diversity training? | | | | |What is your experience with workplace culture? Could there be, or could there have been, more| | | | |inclusion? | | | | | | | | | |Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. | | | |Week Two: Prejudice, Stereotypes, Discrimination, and Privilege | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | |6/17/13 | | | |Explain how the concept of culture is used to construct group identity. | | | | |Analyze the social concept of race. | | | | |Describe how behavioral and thinking patterns apply to diversity issues. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 2 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 3 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 5 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Read Introduction to Section II in Section II of Understanding and Managing Diversity. | | | |Reading |Read Are African Americans Still Experiencing Racism? | | | | |in Section II of Understanding and Managing Diversity. | | | |Reading |Read Inventing Hispanics in Section II of Understanding and Managing Diversity. | | | |Reading |Read To Be Asian in America in Section II of Understanding and Managing Diversity. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 6 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 7 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 8 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 9 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 10 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 11 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 12 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 13 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 14 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. |6/17/13 |2 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. |6/17/13 |2 | |Learning Team |Submit the Learning Team Charter. | | | |Instructions | | | | |Learning Team Charter | | | | |Learning Team |Review the Week Two objectives and discuss insights and questions you may have. | | | |Instructions | | | | |Weekly Team Review | | | | |Learning Team |Begin working on the Equal Rights Proposition Outline assignment due in Week Three. | | | |Instructions | | | | |Equal Rights Proposition| | | | |Outline | | | | |Individual Multicultural|Resources: Culturegrams database and Racial and Ethnic Groups |6/17/13 |15.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Disease Process Of Herpes Zoster Health And Social Care Essay

Disease Process Of Herpes Zoster Health And Social Care Essay This paper will describe the disease process of Herpes Zoster. Herpes Zoster more commonly referred to as Shingles is an acute, unilateral, and segmental inflammation of sensory nerve roots. Herpes Zoster will be referred to as Shingles hereafter in this paper. The first section of this paper will explain the epidemiology of Shingles. This will include prevalence, mortality, and morbidity using the latest statistics available. The second section will list the predisposing factors of Shingles. Rationales for all risk factors explaining why each one predisposes the individual for that particular disease will be covered. In the third section the pathophysiology will explained. A brief description of the normal anatomy and physiological mechanism will precede the actual pathophysiology. In the fourth section all clinical manifestations will be listed. Including complaints from patients, and abnormalities found in physical exams. In the fifth section an explanation of all tests used to di agnose the disease and a description of these tests. The subsequent section will list the management of this disease from a medical stand point. This will include a description and rationale for all types of interventions such as invasive, non-invasive procedures, and pharmacological measures used to treat this disease. In the seventh section, nursing management of this condition will be explained. This will include nursing diagnoses, nursing goals, interventions (pharmacological, dietary, and patient education). The eighth and final section will describe research trends for this disorder. Including any new treatments, pharmacological, immunizations, invasive/non-invasive therapies, and, diagnostic testing, that are currently under investigation. Epidemiology Shingles is the resurgence of latent Varicella Zoster Virus (Chickenpox), so statistics from this disorder will be included. Humans are the only known reservoir for Chickenpox. Chickenpox has an attack rate of 90% in susceptible individuals. The virus is endemic in the population but becomes epidemic among susceptible individuals during late winter and early spring. Children between the ages of 5-9 are most commonly affected and account for 50% of all cases. Most other cases involve children 1-4 and 10-14. Roughly 10% of the population in the United States over age 15 is susceptible to the virus. The incubation period of chickenpox is 10 to 21 days however is more likely 14 to 17 days. Patients are contagious 48 hours prior to the formation of vesicular rash and until all vesicles have crusted. Attack rates in susceptible siblings in the same household are 70-90%. About 1 million cases of shingles occur in the United States every year. More than half of the people who develop shingle s are over 60, and nearly 50% of complications from shingles are in older adults. Shingles occurs at all ages but is more likely to affect those in the sixth decade of life. Except for immunocompromised, and AIDS patients recurrent attacks are rare. The total duration of the disease is usually 7-10 days however it may be as long as 2-4 weeks until the skin is back to normal. Predisposing Risk Factors Anyone who has recovered from chickenpox may develop shingles, including children. It is not clear what reactivates the virus. Anyone who has had chickenpox has a 10-30% lifetime risk of developing shingles. At 85 years of age, this risk increases to 50%. This increased risk may be linked to a weakening of the immune system. As people get older, their bodies become more vulnerable to many diseases. Having certain diseases such as cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, and, HIV/AIDS, can severely compromise the immune system. Also, treatments for cancer, such as chemotherapy; and other drugs such as steroids, and, medication taken to prevent rejection after an organ transplant can reduce immune function. In summary, having had chickenpox is the number one risk factor for contracting shingles. Among those that have had chickenpox advancing age is the number one risk factor. With immunosuppression being the only other risk factor for shingles. Pathophysiology Shingles is a viral disease. The initial infection with Varicella Zoster Virus causes the acute illness chickenpox, which usually occurs in young people and children. Once chickenpox has resolved, the body does not eliminate the virus. The virus lies dormant until the immune system is compromised. At which time it can cause shingles, an illness with different signs and symptoms, often years after the initial infection. The symptoms of shingles follow a series of three stages, prodromal or onset, active or erruptive, and chronic. However it is common for people not to experience all three stages. The onset phase is the most commonly experienced. During this phase, continuous or intermittent burning, tingling, itching, or various types of pain frequently precede rash by a few hours or days. While the onset phase and the presence of cutaneous nerve fibrils indicate that shingles infection is present in the sensory ganglia, a loss of sensation can also occur. The acute phase is considere d the active phase and follows the onset phase, which involves the development of the distinguishing skin lesions. Development of a rash in elderly patients may be accompanied by malaise, headache, low-grade fever, and nausea. Encephalopathy and severe pain may also go along with these symptoms. The active phase is initially characterized by erythematous papules and edema. Papules progress to vesicles in 12 to 24 hours and to pustules within one to seven days. The pustules eventually dry and fall off within 14-21 days, leaving behind erythematous lesions. The chronic phase is unlike any of the other phases and occurs mostly in the elderly. Many patients develop PHN, which is most likely to result during the chronic stage. PHN is Postherpetic Neuralgia is a chronic pain that persist after the shingles have resolved. Clinical manifestations The most common symptom of shingles is pain that can be severe and unrelenting. In the prodromal stage, which is usually 48-72 hours prior to the presence of a rash, symptoms will include: Numbness Tingling Burning Shooting pain Itching Fever Headache Chills Nausea Shingles usually begins with parasthesias, which are itching, burning, or tingling of skin on one side of the body. Patient may develop a fever, a feeling of being sick, or a headache. Within 1-2 days a rash appears on either side of the body in a band like pattern. The chest or back is typically affected by the shingles rash. The rash may also occur on the face, if it appears near the eye it can permanently affect vision .The pain of shingles can be mild to severe, and generally has a sharp, stabbing, or burning quality. Usually the pain is localized to the skin affected by the rash. It can be severe enough to affect ADLà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s. Older adults compared to younger people generally experience more pain. Within three to four days, shingles blisters can become open sores. These sores may become infected with bacteria. If the patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s immune system is not compromised the sores crust over by day 7-10. The rash generally goes away within three to four weeks. Sca rring and skin color changes may be permanent. Most people recover from shingles without any lasting problems. Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN) is a complication of shingles. PHN is a condition in which damage to sensory nerves, causes severe neuropathic pain. This pain can be continuous or intermittent. The pain can occur without external stimuli. However it may also be caused by external stimuli, light touch, the brush of clothing, and even wind can cause extreme pain. The amount of pain from PHN greatly increases with age. PHN is defined as pain that last at least 3 months after all shingles lesions have went away.PHN is treated with: Analgesics Antidepressants Anticonvulsants Corticosteroids These medications may all be used concurrently. However they should be added to the patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s regimen one at a time in case there is any adverse reaction, so that the med that caused the reaction can be promptly stopped. Diagnosis Shingles can be diagnosed in the prodromal stage, before lesions appear but this is difficult as the symptoms in this stage can mimic many other illnesses. Virology of skin scrapings once the lesions have appeared is usually the only way to achieve a proper diagnosis. This is done by isolating the Varicella Zoster Virus (Chickenpox) in tissue culture cell lines. The two tests used most are the fluorescent antibody to membrane antigen test (FAMA), immune adherence hemagglutination and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). These two tests are also the most sensitive. Also contact dermatitis is pruritic and shingles is painful. If lesions of herpes simplex are not differentiated from shingles, doses of antibiotics appropriate for shingles should be used. However herpes simplex and shingles are differentiated by the staining of antibodies from vesicular fluid and identified under fluorescent light. Usually the lesions of these two disorders occur in different places. If the CNS is i nvolved, LP results show increased pressure, and protein levels. Medical Management Shingles is usually treated with prescription oral antiviral drugs to significantly reduce the healing time of the infection. Anti inflammatory drugs are used to reduce inflammation, these may be prescription or OTC. Analgesic medication is also used to lower pain level; these may also be prescription or OTC. Antivirals used to treat shingles are: Acyclovir- is administered at a dose of 800mg five times a day for 7-10 days. Famciclovir- is administered at a dose of 500mg three times a day for seven days. Valacyclovir- is administered at a dose of 1g three times a day for 5-7 days. Immunocompromised patients should be treated with IV Acyclovir at a dose of 10-12.5mg/kg q8hrs for seven days. Glucocorticoids such as prednisone administered at a dose of 60mg/d for the first 7 days, 30mg/d for day 8-14 and, 15mg/d for days 15-21. Glucocorticoid treatment should not be used unless there is concomitant antiviral therapy. Analgesics usually used for shingles include: gabapentin, amitriptyline hydrochloride, lidocane patches, codeine, aspirin, acetaminophen, and, fluphenazine hydrochloride. Topical antipruritics such as calamine lotion can be used to reduce pruritis. Nursing Management Nursing diagnoses for shingles include: Acute Pain Disturbed body image Impaired skin integrity Impaired social interaction Risk for infection Outcomes for patients with shingles include: Patient will verbalize that an acceptable level has been achieved. Patient will acknowledge a change in body image. Patient will exhibit healed lesions. Patient will demonstrate effective social interaction skills. Patient will have no further signs of infection. The following nursing interventions should be applied to patients with shingles. Apply calamine lotion as liberally as directed by physician. Apply silver sulfadiazine to soften and debride lesions that are infected. Administer pain medication as prescribed. Patients with severe pain should be referred to a pain specialist. Maintain hygiene to prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of the body. If the patient has open lesions follow contact isolation to avoid spreading the infection to immunocompromised patients. Patient should be reassured that the pain will eventually subside. Also cool wet compresses can be applied to the lesions for 20 minutes several times a day. Domeboro and Betadine soaks may be utilized to reduce crusting. The patient should be encouraged to wear loose fitting clothing to reduce irritation caused from clothing rubbing the lesions. Research Trends New research regarding shingles has been in the area of prevention. Researchers have developed a preventive vaccine, Zostavax, marketed by Merck. Zostavax is a stronger version of the vaccine given to children to prevent chickenpox. The vaccine is 50% effective and is recommended for individuals over the age of 60. Even though an individual may still get shingles after vaccination, the vaccination reduces the risk of complications of shingles. The vaccine has not been utilized by many people because shingles is not a life threatening disease and there have not been many new vaccines for adults, so many people are not aware of this vaccination. Also the vaccine is not covered by insurance so many older adults that are on fixed incomes cannot afford it. Public education about shingles and the extremely painful complications associated with it are presumed to increase the use of this groundbreaking new vaccine. In conclusion shingles is a disease that can affect people that have had chickenpox at any age. However it affects mainly the elderly population. Shingles usually presents with pain, numbness, tingling, burning, shooting pain, itching, fever, headache, chills, and, nausea. Shingles is treated with antivirals, analgesics, and antiinflammatories. Usually a person can only have shingles but there have been rare occasions of people having it more than once. From a nursing stand point relieving pain and starting antiviral therapy are the highest priority interventions. Lastly with patient education about vaccines now available to prevent shingles. The incidence of people getting shingles, or having painful complications if they do get shingles is greatly reduced.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Treatment for Tuberculosis :: Medical Biology Disease TB

Treatment for Tuberculosis Tuberculosis has many forms that can invade the body. Many cures involve drugs and multiple combinations of the drugs. Drugs are used in combinations because tuberculosis can travel to different parts of the body. One of the causes for the spread of tuberculosis around the world is the emergence drug- resistance strain. Tuberculosis can become resistant to most, if not all, of the drugs that are used to treat tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a bacteria infection that affects many people over the world. Treatment for the disease helps people but it is limited. Vaccination is sought but, like treatment, is limited. Because of these limitations Tuberculosis spreads and kills easily. Tuberculosis can be cured by constant drug therapy. One of the first steps to treating Tuberculosis is identifying which form has developed in the body. The two forms that could progress in the body are latent Tuberculosis infection and active Tuberculosis infection (CDC, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports). Latent Tuberculosis is the dormant form of the bacteria, meaning that it is inactive and doesn?t cause an infectious reaction in the body. Even if the latent form enters the body, treatment should be sought (CDC, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports). Latent Tuberculosis can become active Tuberculosis easily though, especially if the immune system is compromised by another infection, like HIV (CDC, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports). Active Tuberculosis infects the body immediately. Symptoms show in the body meaning the bacteria is effecting the cells of the body. Identifying the form is important because treatment is dependent upon it. Testing for TB involves a skin test, usually within seven work-days of conta ct with the bacteria. Without knowing what is in the body, the drugs won?t be as effective and might even cause drug-resistance. After diagnosing which form is in the body, treatment and therapy can begin. After the test, an infected person should inform the health-care provider with information about other people that might be infected. This will help control the spread of Tuberculosis (CDC, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports). Treatment for the infected person means continual drug therapy. Treatment for active Tuberculosis and latent Tuberculosis is usually similar because both forms of the bacteria invade multiple environments of the body. Tuberculosis originates in the lungs, because it enters through air, and sometimes spreads to other organs, called extrapulmonary Tuberculosis (World Health Organization19).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Educating Rita by Willy Russell :: English Literature

Educating Rita Educating Rita is a story written by Willy Russell. He was born in Whiston, which is just outside Liverpool. When he was five his mum and dad moved to Knowsley, on an estate full of Liverpudlians who taught him how to talk properly. It is about two main characters Rita and Frank. Rita is a literature student at the Open University. This is a university that is used as a way of enabling adult students, like Rita. Frank is a tutor at the Open University but unlike the normal upper class tutors frank is a normal scruffy old man, this shocks Rita. Rita wanted to study and learn here, and so the fear and pressure from her friends made her join in with the others around her. She didn't want to become different from her family and friends, nor those around her, and so blocked the thought that she wanted more from her life: "I'd just play another record or buy another dress an' stop worryin" She put this off because of the peer pressure from the other working class people, she didn't want to be different and upset them so went along with their assumptions of women as low, and this put her off for a while. Rita sees the middle class as totally different from herself, and although doesn't want to be working class, doesn't feel she will be accepted as middle class either. She has the idea that all middle class individuals are free, and stereotypes, making sweeping generalisations. She assumes they all eat wholemeal bread, flora, and watch the BBC, as this is seen as more intellectually stimulating than ITV, the channel that many of the working class watch. This shows that she stereotypes certain groups of people from what she has heard, instead of her own views, she doesn't wait to get to know them before judging. As Rita believes herself to be sophisticated and well read, she has named herself after an author. Her real name is Susan, but Rita Mae Brown is a pornographic author, and as Rita likes her books, she laughably adopts her name and believes she is making herself seem more sophisticated, once again showing her complete misunderstanding that sexually explicit novels are classified as good literature. Such an action again indicates her naive outlook and lack of literary awareness at the beginning of the play. There are many themes during the play, change is probably the most important as it shows how an individual can develop and learn in both positive and negative ways, the play indicates the protagonist changing from one extreme to the other, eventually discovering a happy

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

An Obese South Africa

AN OBESE SOUTH AFRICA South Africa records the highest rates of obesity in Africa with statistics that dsindicate that 29% of men and 56% of women are either obese or overweight, according to the World Health Organisation (Morris, 2011). The increase in prevalence of obesity has seen it become a primary risk factor for sedentary lifestyle related diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Obesity as a health issue in South Africa will be discussed. Rates of obesity in South Africa have progressively increased.Obesity has been defined as the presence of excess body weight in an individual (Brannon & Feist, 2006). In terms of the biomedical view on obesity, obesity is measured in terms of Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI has been found to be useful in identifying excess body weight as it tracks the percentage of body fat and gives a an estimate of the health risk as a result of any excess weight (Morris, 2011). BMI values > 30kg/ m? are considered or recognised as obesity (Morris, 2011 ).Obesity is characterised by alterations in metabolic functions that result from an increase in total body fat mass as well as the accumulation of visceral adipose tissue (van der Merwe & Pepper, 2006). The metabolic alterations are strongly associated with the development of comorbid diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease (van der Merwe & Pepper, 2006). Obesity has been associated with certain forms of chronic diseases namely sleep apnoea, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes (type 2) (Du Toit & Van der Walt, 2009). These are the most common diseases associated with obesity.In terms of the South African context, impacting contributing factors for obesity include low exercise levels, consuming unhealthy fatty foods and high dietary energy (van der Merwe & Pepper, 2006). These risk factors are relevant mainly to people who live in urban areas, however, these are by no means the only factors that impact on obesity levels. Low weight at birth has be en linked to obesity (van der Merwe & Pepper, 2006). In South Africa there is a view that malnourished children and therefore stunted, are more prone to gain a lot of weight when fed empty alories (Du Toit & Van der Walt, 2009). Therefore this contributes to alarming obesity rates in South Africa. This is a predominant case in South Africa due to high rates of poverty, unemployment and low socioeconomic status (Du Toit & Van der Walt, 2009). Coupled with this predisposition, unhealthy (junk) food is made cheaper and thus more readily available to the masses for consumption. It is estimated that 19% of children are stunted from malnutrition due to many people living below the breadline (Du Toit & Van der Walt, 2009).Obesity is also connected with genetics and has been found to be inheritable (Brannon & Feist, 2006; van der Merwe & Pepper, 2006). As far as psychosocial views are concerned, different ethnic groups in South Africa have been shown to perceive obesity differently. In a st udy conducted by Morris (2011), few African women subjects (16%) viewed themselves as obese yet the BMI results indicated that 59% actually were overweight and obese. In the same study, 54% of white women perceived themselves to be overweight yet 49% of the sample was actually overweight.South African men and women have inaccurate perceptions of their body weight (van der Merwe & Pepper, 2006). 9. 7% of men and 22. 1% of women perceive themselves as overweight, while 29. 2% of men and 56. 6% of women actually are overweight. Only 16% of black South African women perceived themselves as overweight compared to 31% of Indian women, and 54% of white women (van der Merwe & Pepper, 2006). It would appear from the outset that there is disparity about obesity amongst white and African people.In terms of racial groups in South Africa, of women, black women showed the highest rates of obesity and for men white men showed higher rates of obesity (van der Merwe & Pepper, 2006). A misperception of ‘healthy or benign obesity’ exists amongst the black ethnic African racial group in South Africa (van der Merwe & Pepper, 2006). Obesity is assumed to not have any consequence on health yet results show that of black patients in clinics with type 2 diabetes, obesity is prevalent in 35-47% of women and 15. 5% in men.Although heart disease is seen as an uncommon disorder for black people, results or statistics show that more black people die of heart disease than do whites (van der Merwe & Pepper, 2006). Obesity is considered to be a doubtful atherogenic factor within the black ethnic group. The high prevalence rate of obesity in Black women is perpetuated by many misperceptions about obesity as a health risk. The notion that increased body mass or weight is seen as a token of wealth, wellbeing, happiness and an indication that their husband is able to care for his wife and family (van der Merwe & Pepper, 2006).Overweight children are also seen as a positive state of h ealth and sustenance (Du Toit & Van der Walt, 2009). Obesity has also been found to be prevalent amongst HIV patients from Soweto as obesity helps to lower the risk of contraction tuberculosis (Du Toit & Van der Walt, 2009). Obesity has been recognised as a chronic disease by the World Health Organisation thus it needs to be treated (van der Merwe & Pepper, 2006). In terms of culture, obesity is highly prevalent and ‘normalised’ in the black ethnic group most notably to black women (van der Merwe & Pepper, 2006).As the black ethnic group represent a major set of the South African population, the myth of a healthy obesity and the biomedical facts need to be relayed to them in order to prevent obesity levels and the various other diseased that are associated with the obesity (diabetes and heart disease). The media has been cited as the main source for nutritional information to Black South African women, health professionals need to act and use the media as a tool to reac h out to counter misperceptions and to provide accurate health information about obesity (van der Merwe & Pepper, 2006).In conclusion, it can be seen that obesity is a health issue in South Africa. The prevalence rate can be reduced provided culturally accepted false perceptions of obesity and nutrition are changed based on reporting and spreading of accurate biomedical information to the many people that deem obesity as either healthy or without any adverse health consequences. References Brannon, L. & Feist, J. (2006) An Introduction to Behaviour and Health.Cengage Learning. Du Toit, D. D. , & Van der Walt, J. L. (2009). Childhood overweight and obesity patterns in South Africa: a review: health. African Journal For Physical, Health Education, Recreation And Dance,  15(1), 15-31. Morris, A. G. (2011). Fatter and fatter: South Africa's rise in body mass index. South African Journal Of Science,  107(3/4), 12. van der Merwe, M. , & Pepper, M. (2006). Obesity in South Africa. Obes ity Reviews,  7(4), 315-322. [pic]

Monday, September 16, 2019

Experience The Arts Essay

Art has a huge impact in making our lives endlessly rich. I can’t imagine, only for a moment, a world without art in light of the fact that art have such an effect on design from our most loved features. Moreover, art invigorates distinctive parts of our brains to make us giggle or prompt us to uproar, with an entire range of feelings in the middle. Art also provides for us an approach to be inventive and convey what needs be. For some individuals, art is the whole reason they get up in the morning. You could say, art is something that makes us more mindful and balanced people. Then again, it is such an expansive piece of our regular lives that we might scarcely even stop to consider. Our shoes could be look as art, as well as our clothing. General all utilitarian configuration is art. Art normally includes correspondence. Ostensibly, specialists need individuals with whom they can impart their observations. At the point when Art and people associate, numerous conceivable outc omes emerge. As an admirer of the specialty of dance it has dependably been something I delighted in viewing or enjoyed as an adolescent. In spite of the fact that dance was a sublime past time I never feel in adoration with it until I encountered another manifestation of workmanship called praise dancing. Praise Dance is a type of formal or profound dance, it is a manifestation of move in which the attention is on love. Acclaim dance experts utilize their bodies to help express the expression and soul of God. Praise Dance is actually considered by numerous places of worship to be a satisfactory manifestation of Christian articulation, as well as being regularly utilized before  assemblies to make energizing and enthusiastic environments. In some cases praise dance can be a piece of a greater generation in which a whole story is told. Praise dance, rather than different manifestations of love move, is commonly performed to a much quicker and energetic music rhythm. The dancers express the music by waving their arms over their heads, applauding uncontrollably, influencing their bodies, and moving their heads to the mu sic. It can also be an interpretation of delight that uses the human body to extend, which are express with both their bodies and their confronts, illuminating their gathering of people with the delight they feel inside their souls. When praise dance is my presence my body would shivers; while tears role down my eyes, on the grounds that they were hitting the dance floor with such power, and the message they were yielding was compelling. Besides, the entertainers were serving and worshiping through move and welcoming the crowd to give love to the lord. Praise dance definitely have to be the most excellent critical experience of art I have ever felt on the grounds that it brought me into an alternate measurement, one where I had an otherworldly involvement with a higher force. Therefore, I will always cherish those moments, since it was truly the most true, genuine, and most alive experience I have had in my life. Praise dance is in fact extraordinary, enthusiasm and daring, for one self to express an unforgiving approach to acquire art it really bring out art in undiscovered spots. I am truly convinced and idealistic that praise dance will attract individuals in a great big form of art, which would inspires, encourages and uplifts humanity all around the world. Reference: Sporre, D. J. (2013). Reality Through the Arts (8th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Challenges Faced By Indias Education System Education Essay

Merely Imagine. A universe where every child participates on a degree instruction system, disputing themselves and others, and accomplishing wagess and awards for using themselves, no affair what their societal, economic, or geographic temperament. Every adult male is but the merchandise of his beliefs, and what he thinks, he becomes. It is believed that India is unambiguously positioned to accomplish a important competitory advantage in the universe economic system by being among the first to implement a level instruction system for its full people before the terminal of the following decennary. This end can be accomplished by partnering with engineering to develop a complete free unfastened beginning instruction solution for its people and peoples of the universe. For over 3000 old ages the â€Å" sage on a phase † most instructional attack has dominated human civilization and instruction theoretical accounts.[ 1 ]Education is now emerging as schools, instructors and pupils have begun to use engineering, open to all attack in instruction. Today engineering can play a intense function in making a instruction system converge to unify disparate and staccato instruction systems into a individual planetary acquisition platform. India ‘s instruction system is confronting challenges that may be one of the biggest confronting any state in the twenty-first Century. Faced with the fastest population growing and hapless proficient substructure in rural parts, India must happen a cost effectual solution for educating its people.[ 2 ]The traditional instruction solution is n't traveling to be equal to get the better of the educational challenges it is confronting. Under that theoretical account, India would necessitate to construct new schools, train and retain instructors, purchase books and collateral supplies, maintain these stuffs current and put in topographic point more bureaucratism that leads to of all time intensifying costs at the forfeit to instruction. Therefore, a technological solution for it s full people demands to be identified, actualized and implemented. And most significantly how can we make it for less than it is presently bing India?The Real ChallengesToday, India ‘s instruction sy stem is designed to overload the students with excessively much ‘knowledge ‘ or theory and the focal point is to enable them to better their memory accomplishments instead than enabling them to be innovative/creative/practical.[ 3 ] The current system is designed to make a hierarchal society, with merely a little subdivision hiting really high Markss ; the balance gets fed up with the humdrum and irrelevant instruction system, coercing them to stop their surveies. India has made elephantine springs in the field of telecommunication and engineering. There is barely any small town in India which is left out from this exhilaration. This engineering has non touched the instruction system to supply ‘remote learning ‘ installations or online cognition sharing. The urban sectors are more concentrated on, whereas engineering can touch lives and enable instruction across the rural sectors every bit good. The cultural differences between the urban and rural subdivisions of people in India ; this creates barriers for people in the rural sector, who are more docile in nature and it takes great attempts for them to open up, replying in category, or doing their thoughts heard The entree to uniform instruction content, particularly video and multi-media. content will enable remotion of disparities. This will neutralize the sick effects of absentee instructors. Limited entree to engineering, where merely a few can afford.Other ChallengesDespite attempts to integrate all subdivisions of the population into the Indian instruction system, through mechanisms such as positive favoritism and non-formal instruction, big Numberss of immature people are still without schooling. Although registration in primary instruction has increased, it is estimated that at least 35 million, and perchance every bit many as 60 million, kids aged 6-14 old ages are non in school. Severe gender, regional, and caste disparities besides exist. The chief jobs are the high drop-out rate, particularly after Class 10, low degrees of acquisition and accomplishment, unequal school substructure, ill working schools, high instructor absenteeism, the big figure of instructor vacancies, hapless quality of instruction and unequal financess. Other groups of kids aˆ-at hazard ‘ , such as orphans, child-laborers, street kids and victims of public violences and natural cata strophes, do non needfully hold entree to schools.No Common School SystemFurthermore, there is no common school system ; alternatively kids are channeled into private, government-aided and authorities schools on the footing of ability to pay and societal category.[ 4 ]At the top terminal are English-language schools affiliated to the upscale CBSE ( Central Board of Secondary Education ) , CISCE ( Council for the Indian Schools Certificates Examination ) and IB ( International Baccalaureate ) scrutiny boards, offering globally recognized course of studies and course of study. Those who can non afford private schooling attend English-language government-aided schools, affiliated to state-level scrutiny boards. And on the bottom round is ill managed authorities or municipal schools, which cater for the kids of the hapless bulk. Therefore, while instruction for all is safeguarded by the Constitution, and a bulk of people can now entree educational resources, the quality of the instructi on that immature people in Indian receive varies widely harmonizing to their agencies and background.Education for all -The AdvantagesTechnology and Learning when together will majorly aid better many of the jobs confronting India by making a complete instruction system -for every pupil, immature or old, rich or hapless, urban or rural. Technology and Learning can enable instruction that is non any longer limited to a peculiar part or age group. It will be larning anything, anytime, and anyplace from multiple governments from the comfort of your place, small town, town, metropolis from any web-enabled device. It will be about playing exciting e-games that emphasize the subjects cardinal points you merely watched or listened excessively. It will be about pupils being able to gain and pass wages points for accomplishing ends and mileposts, or finishing assignments and linking with others in practical schoolrooms. It will impart a assisting manus in the procedure of designation of superb planetary pupils populating in small towns of India, based on their ability to interact within an intelligent e-learning environment.[ 5 ] There will be new functions for schools – it can intend the terminal of thoughtless rating trials, classs and opprobrious certifications. Educational establishments, schools, colleges that will go the Eden for networking, cognition application and mentoring. There will be shift in acquisition, so will at that place be a alteration in the manner schools and colleges operate. Our instructors will go more focussed on learning job work outing techniques, critical thought accomplishments and societal and interpersonal accomplishments. Teachers will no longer necessitate to be experts in capable countries. Alternatively experts will be presenting their idea and thoughts straight to the pupils. Teachers will go more similar wise mans and counsel counsellors to their pupils and as a consequence India will be able to develop more instructors faster, and retain them, assisting to increase the instructor to student ratio in categories. It will so go easy to make and present a complete unfastened course-ware online instruction media solution to any web enabled device. It will supply enormous efficiencies by leting a planetary community of partisans, instructors and practicians to develop unfastened class ware. It will extinguish the demand to repeatedly make lesson programs, and local and regional control of educational content will go a thing of the yesteryear. Merely as communities of authors sort out subjects on Wikipedia a community of planetary pedagogues will screen out the order in which acquisition should come on for every topic. There will be more avenues available to more people on occupation preparation and professional preparation plans that traditionally were limited to specialised organisations.Some facts about Learning & A ; Technology:Learning is a profoundly personal act that is facilitated when larning experiences are relevant, dependable, and prosecuting. During those early yearss of e-learning, we learned the difficult manner that merely constructing a acquisition system that could be accessed over the Internet did non vouch that people would hold much demand for, or involvement in, the classs and plans, irrespective of the supplier.[ 6 ]We learned that shoveling courseware online did non supply anyone module, pupils, or decision makers with an on-line experience that was much more than boring electronic page-turning. Sometimes we learned the difficult manner that making larning unto othersaˆ- could rapidly de-motivate and withdraw the really people we had hoped to function. Different sorts of larning demand appropriate schemes, tools, and resources. Concrete operational acquisition can be facilitated utilizing representational media, whereas learning complex problem-solving such as executing surgery or set downing an aeroplane may be far better served by leting scholars to pattern developing those accomplishments in a safe, riskless practical environment. Having just-in-time entree to information, even in a flat-file, text-based signifier, may be far preferred to holding no entree to any information at all. Questions about media rightness from a pure cognitive position are likely to be mitigated by aesthetic and experience quality prosodies. More than 20 old ages of empirical grounds underlines that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-allaˆ- engineering solution for acquisition. Therefore, engineering engages scholars by structuring and forming information, by exposing and showing processs and operations. It can assist do a learning experience more memorable and can assist associate new information to that which is already known.[ 7 ]Therefore, engineering can assist beef up learner motive, focal point attending, make a learning minute more memorable, or show the relevance of larning to public presentation ; the greater is the likeliness that engineering will hold a direct positive consequence on acquisition.Impact On Indian Armed ForcesThese suggested methods will convey in quality work force to execute emphasis full responsibilities and technologically oriented manpower to cover with future cahllenges.Indian instruction if improved from grass root degree will greatly profit the manner we need to develop work force. It will besides assist us cut down the preparation clip and better soaking up of modern arms. Sometimes deployed armed forces forces wish to foster their instruction, or take to hold a different pick of calling after their responsibility ends. A perfect manner for them to accomplish this mark is through an distance larning plan. This will be good in the sense that they would be on responsibility and can prosecute their instruction without holding to go to regular college classes.Growing picks of colledges foe immature childs gives them and helps armed force forces to prosecute higher surveies which in long tally benefits services. Military proper instruction and preparation is a procedure which intends to set up and better the capablenesss of military forces in their several functions. Military instruction can be voluntary or mandatory responsibility. Before any individual gets mandate to run proficient equipment or be on the conflict field, they must take a medical and frequently a physical trial. The primary preparation is recruit preparation. Recruit developing efforts to learn the basic information and preparation in techniques necessary to be an effectual service member. After completing basic preparation, many service members undergo advanced preparation more in line with their chosen or assigned fortes. This scope from developing to surveies of arms. In advanced preparation, military engineering and equipment is frequently taught. Many big states have several military academies, one for each subdivision of the service, that offer college grades in a assortment of topics, similar to other colleges. Howev er, academy alumnuss normally rank as officers, and as such have many options besides civilian work in their major topic. This in short describes the inservice preparation imparted to all ranks in armed forces. The above mentioned rhythm can be shortened or efficiency improved if proper instruction is provided to all forces.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Philippine Telecommunications Essay

The Philippine Telecommunications Industry remains to be one of the most robust and fastest growing industries in the Philippines. This report will touch on the present state of the elecommunications industry, the regulatory environment, the broadband landscape, broadband technologies, and broadband equipment suppliers and investment opportunities. The Philippine telecommunication sector is estimated to have reached USD4. 0 billion in annual service provider revenues by end 2009. Growth in the next five years, however, is projected to experience a slow down due to the increasing saturation in the industry’s two main segments – cellular mobile and fixed line. This growth is estimated o be at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) in revenues of about 8% over the next five years, compared to a CAGR of 11% in the last five. Aside from cellular mobile and fixed line, the other segments of the telecommunication sector are on broadcast and broadband. For purposes of this report, it will touch briefly on cellular mobile, fixed line and broadcast segments but focus will be on the broadband segment which holds the most promise in regard to growth opportunities given that the cellular mobile and fixed line segments have already reached its saturation point and is expected to achieve flat or negative growth for 2009. The dominant telcos are PLDT, Globe Telecom, Bayantel, and Digitel. Liberty Telecom is a previously inactive player that is expected to play a bigger role in the industry beginning with 2010. Liberty Telecom recently attracted attention when San Miguel Corporation, the Philippines’ largest food and beverage conglomerate, acquired a 32. 7% stake in the previously inactive telecom company. Liberty Telecom had previously been under corporate rehabilitation after trading of its stock was suspended in 2005 due to â€Å"excessive volatility†. San Miguel recently entered the telecommunication industry by establishing its wholly-owned subsidiary Vega Telecom, Inc. The company later partnered with Qatar Telecom (QTel) in drawing up plans for re-establishing the market presence of Liberty Telecom. The Philippine Telecommunications Report 2010 Page 2 Overview of industry landscape and key players Fixed Line Prior to 1993, Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT) had been and continues to be the dominant carrier, being the first to establish a fixed line telecommunications infrastructure nationwide. Following the telecommunications liberalization in 1993, coupled with the introduction of the Service Area Scheme (SAS), the competitive environment drastically changed with the entry of 10 new entrants that resulted in lower tariffs and improved fixed line penetration. However as of 2008, relative to the SAS, only 50%i of the fixed line capacity has been utilized with only 3. 9 million fixed line subscribers, or a low fixed line penetration rate of only 4. 32%. i The low fixed line penetration rate is due mainly to the cellular mobile segment having overtaken the fixed line segment on account of faster roll-out and deployment of cellular mobile infrastructure. There are approximately 7. 45 million installed and 4. 89 million subscribed land lines as of 2008iii. Filipinos were mobile phone subscribers. The phenomenal growth was attributed to the popularity of SMS or â€Å"Text Messaging† with a little over 300 million text messages being sent daily as well as the availability of cheaper handsets brought about by the introduction of pre-paid services and over the air loading (electronic loads). The cellular mobile segment has been dominated by three (3) large telcos, namely Globe Telecom, Smart Communications and Sun Cellular with Globe Telecom pioneering the GSM platform followed by Smart Communications and later Sun Cellular.

A Day in the Life of Fahad

Beep, beep, beep, beep â€Å"Oh man, is it 7.30 am already† is what I say to myself in the early morning of an average school day. During an average school morning, I look, talk and walk like a tramp. At 7.45 am I walk into the bathroom where I do my personal business such as doing my toothbrush, washing my face with soap and then either have a shower or have a bath, when I've had a shower or whatever I go to the mirror and flex my muscles and comb my hair and if I have to put some hair gel on after I've done this I put some facial cream on to stop dry skin from attacking me. When I get out the bathroom I run straight into my bedroom, I then put some spray on my body after this part of the morning I get changed into those things called a school uniform which all school pupils probably dread wearing, once I have successfully completed this I look for my shoes which I normally place beside my bed and place them into my feet and do up the shoe laces I grab my bag and motivate myself to carefully walk down the stairs and make sure I don't wake my brothers up and go into the kitchen snatch the cereal box from my mum and with a mess pour it into a plate then get the milk out of the fridge and in the same way pour it over the cereal and then just eat it like I've never eaten in my life before†¦ When that horrendous scene has gone past I say all my goodbyes and get ready for what I say an ‘assault course' because I on my way to school I go in and out of muddy areas. Every time I walk to school I have to go to the shops because I get tired and out of juice and once I've got my energy back I start walking faster and when I reach school I go straight into my form room with a big bang on the chair which shows how much effort I put into walking to school. If I get late for a lesson my best excuse is that â€Å"Miss, everyone came late to registration and when they came they all started messing around, and by the time we got our registration done, every one was already 5 minutes into their lessons.† This master excuse always works for me whenever I am late for a lesson. Today for the first 2 lessons I have English, then I have got break time, then the second 2 lessons I have Science and History and for the last 2 lessons I have got RE (full course) and Business Communication Systems. For some strange reason the first 2 lessons go awfully slow and so do the last 2 lessons. On the last lesson everyone is tired and can't wait till home time, at this time nobody talks and all you hear is tick tock tick tock and then when its time to go everyone cheers and go running to their cars or wherever they go at home time. Well for me, I go to the school gates and wait for my friends and walk up to where we all split up one of my friends goes to the left, the other friend goes right and I go straight up ahead, once I get to the shops, I would always get a packet of chewing gum and a bottle of Fanta Fruit Twist which is my best drink. When I get home my mum would prepare me a cup of tea with some biscuits, after this small feast I run back into my bedroom and get changed into something more suitable for me and go get my very thick jacket, the reason I take this jacket is because everyone is bound to get hit with a stick by the mosque teacher either for not reading properly or talking to a friend, I go mosque to read the Qur'an and learn about Islam and read Urdu too. After mosque I go to my friends house and play out till about 8.00 pm when I get back from my friends house I come home and eat some chappatees and some drink to go with it. During my food time I watch some TV and its normally Eastenders. I then go upstairs and do all my school homework. After this I get changed into my night-clothes and go to sleep. Beep, beep, beep, beep â€Å"Oh man, is it 7.30 am already.† If you think about school, it's like a test, if you get it all wrong then you won't get a good job, if not that then you'll get nothing at all. So you have to accept getting up early and doing the best you can at every thing even if you don't like it.